Emergency Broadband

Emergency broadband needed with no connection to computer

Enter NotSpot’s Emergency Broadband service, a lifeline for businesses navigating unexpected connectivity challenges. Whether due to natural disasters, infrastructure failures, or other unforeseen circumstances, maintaining seamless communication and operations is critical. NotSpot’s solution offers businesses a robust broadband connection when traditional networks falter, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and communication channels. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic partnerships, NotSpot delivers rapid deployment and scalable solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes. From temporary pop-up offices to remote work setups, businesses can rely on NotSpot’s Emergency Broadband to stay connected when it matters most. With guaranteed uptime and responsive support, NotSpot empowers businesses to weather disruptions with confidence, safeguarding against the costly consequences of downtime. In an increasingly interconnected world, NotSpot stands as a beacon of reliability, offering businesses the peace of mind to focus on what truly matters—serving their customers and driving growth.

Emergency Over! NotSpot Broadband is here

Rapid deployment of working emergency broadband anywhere within the UK. If disaster strikes and your landline provider has had a fatal service error NotSpot can be activated to deploy a working solution in the time it takes to get equipment to you. We also provide the option of VoIP calls to get your business back up and running as soon as possible, even if phone lines are down. Which can be run by one of the generators that we can supply that can power your phones for up to 12 hours, enough time to keep your business ticking when disaster strikes.

Preempting disaster is always key, NotSpot will design and implement fail-over broadband for your property.

More info to follow. However if you require more information urgently then head over to our contact page and give us a call or drop us a message and we will get back to you.